Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Attempt No. 1

Starting this blog feels quite awkward. I think I'll just begin as a journal of my varied crafts and see where it takes me. As I'm trying to begin in media res (for all the English nerds out there,) I'll share a couple photots of my latest works in progress.

       These TOMS came from the thrift store about a year ago. They already had wear and I wore them into the ground. I looked at new shoes, but decided to try some of the mending tactics that I've seen. I crocheted over the holes in the first shoe and decided to 'go big or go home.' I covered the front with freeform crochet and finished the heel hole with a medallion.
     I've also been working on some natural avocado dye this week and I will take a picture of the final project later. Currently, there is just a jar of brown water with green pieces floating inside. Essentially, it is not the most photogenic at this point.
      Final nifty thought for the day: I staged the photo with the cup of basil earlier and promptly forgot about it. The basil sprouted roots and was planted yesterday! Just goes to show that with a little neglect I can actually grow something.